Tilbydes I caliber 12.
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The Round Body Sporting model is new in the sport serie.
Founder of Rizzini, Battista Rizzini, impressed the shooting world with the introduction of the first Round Body field model.  Others have gone on to imitate the Round Body, due to its popular design and performance, but only Rizzini’s design has stayed true and still remains the original and best in the industry

The Round Body sporting model is very welcomed to the competition-shooting realm, as it’s smooth feel, rounded action edges and quick-draw performance place it against many of the best competitor shotguns.   The price point for this model is another incentive for shooters to add this gun to their arsenal, whether their skillset is professional or amateur. 

As was the case with the introduction of the Round Body to the hunting arena, you can be sure others will try to imitate the Roundy Body sporting model.  But only Rizzini can remain the original and will continue to be the best.

KR. 32500,-

Hos CNH GUNIMPORT kan alle geværer ses i vores showroom. Vi tilbyder opmåling og tilpasning af skæfte, alle geværer kan laves på mål og dimissioner. Du sammensætter sammen med os dine specifikationer og ønsker inden vi ligger dit nye gevær i produktion. På denne måde bliver alle geværer lavet specifik til hver enkelt kunde. Dette er helt unikt.